On this page you will find a short description of my motivation and the path that has led me here. Since a really young age I have been fascinated by the power and energy of nature and all the beautiful beings on this planet. Humans are, in my perception, a part of nature and do not stand above it. I find the interactions between humans and animals fascinating. I have also explored different alternative medicines and spirituality. After completing a variety of courses and studies including human-animal relationships and behaviors, animal communications and alternative therapies I have decided that it is time to open my own practice and Animals Know is now a fact.
We are becoming more and more aware of everything around us, that everything has something to say and has a deeper meaning. It is the era for awakening, awareness and taking responsibility. I have become aware during my work, studies and my life; nature in the broadest sense of the word has profound things to say to us. We only need to listen to nature's wisdom and messages which she shares through animals, trees, water, air, through everything around us. Not everyone can tune into her messages at the moment. I can help with that. I can translate information which not everyone can interpret.
My motivation
My journey
When I look back, its been quite a journey which has led me here. I didn’t always know where I was going, and it certainly has not always been easy, but for sure the best lessons are not given when things are easy. By walking through deep valleys, you are confronted with yourself. How amazing is it to finally feel the warm sun on your face when you have finally climbed the proverbial mountain. It’s a bit abstract and philosophical, but that is the best summary I can give about my journey to where I am today. Furthermore, I have literally traveled all over the world and seen and experienced so many things. This has made it possible for me to have so many encounters with people and animals. But the encounters with animals and nature has been most profound.
Ik ben een gecertificeerd docent aan de Diana Cooper School of White Light? Diana Cooper is een docent, internationale spreker en auteur van meer dan 30 boeken die in 28 talen zijn vertaald. Ze heeft ook diverse kaartensets ontwikkeld die aansluiten bij haar boeken. Haar laatste boek is “The Golden Future” en daar is zeer recent een kaartenset van uitgekomen. Om dit te vieren hebben verschillende docenten die aan haar school verbonden zijn, korte video’s gemaakt om te vertellen hoe zij de gouden toekomst zien. Querine heeft hier ook aan meegedaan. Bekijk hieronder het resultaat.